Tuesday 12 April 2016

2015 - Just for Fun - Great Manchester 10k 2015

Great Manchester Run 10km - May 2015

Written to a Friend

"In case you wondered, Manchester 10K went exceptionally well. Considering my doubts about fitness I landed a time of 01:01:26, way ahead of my expected 1:05 - 1:10. I wasn’t even trying for a time, I was just enjoying the bands and swerving to the edge to high five kids who had their arms out, I was gobsmacked at 9km mark when I looked at my watch and was only 55min in.
Seem to be none the worse for it. Left Achilles was quietly reminding me it is there but nowhere near a limp and barely noticeable today."

It Begins; Another Year
February 2015 arrived and my thoughts turned again to running and, in particular, the Great Manchester Run event. After the disappointment of having to pull out just before the 2014 event due to illness, this year was to be low key, no sponsorships, just see how it goes and if I get there, enjoy the day.

Training Routine & Duration
I managed a few erratic visits to the gym during February, short treadmill efforts with walk breaks but followed with a swim. My heart wasn't really in it and it was into March before my first road run, a mere 1.5km. Struggling with a minor hamstring problem and for no reason I could identify, shin pain, I continued with 2 treadmill + swim sessions and one road run per week through March to early April.
Already April and feeling under par compared to last year I stuck in a Parkrun at Platt Fields Manchester.
I chose Platt Fields as a flat course instead of  my home Parkrun at Bramhall which is a taxing up and down course to reduce risk of injury. But Platt Fields was so wet it was playing Russian Roulette not knowing whether it was a wide shallow puddle or a pot hole or even a ditch. Anyway, I came out uninjured and fairly satisfied. Well below a 60m 10km pace but this year is not about a target time.
With only 4 weeks to go, I head up to Scotland in a motorhome in freezing conditions and do no running for the next 10 days. 

Now only 3 weeks to the Manchester 10k and I had still not run continuously over 5km this year.
The next 2 weeks I moved to 30-40 min outings with no walk intervals culminating in an 8.5km one week before the event with a 64min 10k pace.
This 8.5km and not feeling anything like as fit as last year set me believing I was ok to finish but expecting maybe a 1:10 time. I did nothing in the 5 days prior to the event to let still niggling injuries settle.

On The Day

As with 2 years ago, the local trains were packed and we were glad that we set out early.
It was a great atmosphere in town and as my assembly time approached I left my support team (Lynne, my wife x) and headed up the streets toward the start.

Wrong area
I had moved well forward and there were many Green wave runners around me but there were also a significant number of Pink. Studying lamp post markers and flags I realised that I was actually some way behind the back of the Green wave. Recovering this was a challenge as the side barriers were up and I had to climb out and use side streets to move forward to the entrance to the Green wave area.
Lesson learnt for next year; read the start entry route map properly and obey it.

Last time, I stuck to my own warm up routing walking fast in side roads but this year I joined in the orchestrated fun warm up and 'fun' it was. Everyone in it together makes all the difference and to my surprise (I know it shouldn't have been) it was an excellent warm up and by the start I felt really good.

On The Road
The run went well, I found it hard work but still relaxed. The run through showers were welcome.
If I felt like it, I would accelerate through a gap but equally, I'd slow next to bands and swerve to the the side to high 5 a kid now and then.
My favourite poster was, "I'm proud of you random stranger". The people supporting along the route and the sheer pleasure of the event does indeed carry you along.

Timing wasn't to be an issue today, It was for the fun of it. No heart rate monitor and though I had Runkeeper running on my phone, I left my headphones behind so I had no pressure and temptation.
However, around 9km, I looked at my watch to discover that I was only 55mins in, way ahead of where I expected to be and though I didn't try to speed up, I was tempted to keep moving that last 1km and crossed the line in a very surprising 1:01:26.

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